2013: The Best is Yet to Come!

While I sit in my pajamas, eat pizza and wait for Pride & Prejudice to finish downloading, I decided it was a good time to reflect on this year that's ending in one hour. 2012 was by far the best year of my life and a lot of that has to do with the fact that the first half of it was like a fairy tale. I spent it abroad traveling to countries I had only dreamed of seeing, and there were numerous occasions that I felt like I was experiencing heaven on earth. Every day was a new adventure and there was never a dull moment. I met new people that will surely be life long friends and I learned to appreciate more and really value those who are already in my life. Though I saved and worked so hard to spend a semester abroad, the challenge had only just begun once I arrived in London. I still had my every day struggles, but also the test of fitting in with a new culture, learning new languages, navigating a new city every weekend and trying to soak up as much of the experience that I could because, like all good things, I knew it would end. I was absolutely gutted to leave of course, but decided that this hunger for seeing the world wouldn't be just a passing thing. The latter half of this year was just as wonderful, and has made me the proudest I have ever been of myself. My last semester of college was hands down the most difficult, as I worked full-time, had an internship and took 15 hours of classes. Maybe a year ago I couldn't have done it, but this time I could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I finally got to a point where I could count the days until graduation on both of my hands. Walking across that stage was a dream come true, but seeing the joy in my parents' and siblings' faces was the absolute best part of the day. Ever since I began to idealize about my future after college, I knew exactly what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be right now. And it took just one year to completely change that. I don't know exactly where I want to go or what I want to do, but I do know that I want to always be as happy as this year has made me. I'm saying hello to 2013 with even more independence, confidence and determination. I'm thanking God for all that he has blessed me with, and trusting him to lead me to the life that I'm meant to have. I feel like anything is possible! I'm spending this New Year's Eve in a low-key way, and it's appropriate, because this year definitely speaks for itself! :)